Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nov. 11th

Here we are a week and a day out from Emma's surgery and she is doing great! She has made a remarkable recovery. She has hardly taken any pain meds and has been up and about all day today. She has had many visitor and they have lifted her spirits. She is a bit uncomfortable with her neck brace and finds it to make her sore and itchy. We were able to accomplish a hair wash at home last night and that always helps to make a person feel better. I don't want to rush things but I think that Emma might be able to get back to a few of her regular activities next week. She will also be going in to Children's next week to have her 40 something staples removed. Emma is a bit nervous about that but I think she will be more comefortable when they are gone and she should be able to have a real shower once the staples are out. We continue to be amazed at the way things have gone for her. No complications and that all of her functions remained in tact all of these years. I will never forget these last couple of weeks and I hope that this time also becomes a time for Emma that she can look back on and see the hand of God on her life. Amazing!

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