Thursday, November 6, 2008

Emma Nov.6th

Sorry to everyone who was checking the blog yesterday. By the time I had a chance to do an update the kiosk was closed. Yesterday went pretty well. Emma was taken off her morphine and had her drain and catheter removed. She was able to sit up and actually got into a chair for about 15min with the pysiotherapist. She did however have a rough night as she couldn't get comfortable and was having enough pain to have trouble sleeping. (She is still on oral meds for pain.) I think what was contributing to her tears in the night was frustration. Just tired of everything.
Today is looking up a little though and she went for a walk with the pysiotherapist and even did 2 flights of stairs. I am a little concerned that she has not had any appetite today and basically has eaten nothing. Her fever seems to have come down and she is off all of her lines today. The surgeon and several other Dr's came in this morning to take a look at her and ask her some questions. He did say that he would be back to talk to us later so I hope we get a chance to chat with him.
I can't say thank you enough for all of your prayers for Emma. God has truly blessed us with all that we asked for in this surgery and she couldn't be making a better recovery. I will try to update again tomorrow.

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