Friday, July 20, 2012

"There were just all the right people in the room...."

Day 1
Today was a busy day and Emma did not sleep much. This morning during my choppy hours of sleep at about 6:45 Emma woke me up by throwing her stuffed dog and bunny at me. :) She was whispering because there were others sleeping in the room and I  was still not waking up. She said, "Mom, you better get up because the Dr's are coming in 20 min." Only a resident came but I was up and dressed.

Emma watched a movie today (sort of), sat up in bed this morning, dozed on and off, enjoyed a coconut Frappe and stood up with physio this afternoon. It has been a good day of movement for her. She has been having a bit more pain this evening so she maybe has overdone things a bit.

We had a few visitors today too. Some baring good food so that Keith and I didn't have to eat another days worth of cafeteria food. (Thankyou! ) If you come to visit make sure I take your photo and that you sign Emma's white board! :)

This evening around 6:30 Emma's surgeon popped in to see us. We weren't expecting him but he stopped in after another long surgery and still treated us as though we were the only
ones he was here to see. He checked on Emma who at the time was feeling a little more pain than she had been. After hearing all that she had done today he did say to take it easy. I asked him about her curve now and how much correction that he was able to get. He said goodbye to Emma and took Keith and I down the hallway to have a look at her xrays. Seeing those xrays blew my mind! When he first discussed having this surgery he really wanted to do it to make some space for Emma's lungs and heart however he didn't think that he would be able to make her straight, he would just do the best he could. Well, he compared her last xray taken just a couple of weeks ago to the ones from the OR yesterday.
Her top curve 2 weeks ago was 87degrees and the bottom one in the 60's. Yesterday's xray
shows 15 degrees on top and  less than 25 on the bottom! Chills. We had no expectation that they would get anywhere near that correction and frankly, neither did he. He told us that "There were just all the right people in the room"! That they just kept little by little cutting away bone, and packing in the gauze and the bleeding was so minimal that they kept going. Everyone in the room was shocked that she hardly lost any blood (too much and they would have stopped where they were. ) and that she didn't need a transfusion. Everything just went right, amazingly right! Keith told our Dr. that lots of people were praying. He said "Thanks, it sure made my job alot easier." God did it....all of it. We have no doubt. It is a special gift to see God's care in such a way. We know this and that is why we have to testify to His faithfulness. To God be the glory great things he has done!

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundanty than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen" Ephesians 3:20-21


Megan said...

So cool! I can't wait to see her!Can we come see her tomorrow? Text me!

Unknown said...

It leaves me speechless. I am grateful to God for what he did for Emma and for the whole family. There are no words to say how wonderful this is.
Much love, Deb and Josh

Kristi-Anna said...

Wow! God had been so faithful during this time and he never ceases to amaze! I'm so glad to hear this news!!! Thank you for sharing this journey with us.

TheHeydes said...

Our hearts are full with yours of thankfulness to our God for His care of Emma beyond what we dared to imagine. His mighty working in all your lives is an encouragement to all of us as we see God's faithfulness and strength through you in all your ups and downs. Can't wait to see all of you.