Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 8 and 9

Well, I think we've turned a corner. Emma is no longer on the antibiotics and her tummy troubles have subsided some. This is a huge relief! She slept half of each of the last 2 nights in her own bed. She seems to wake up in the middle of the night to take some meds and move to the couch in the living room to give her body a break and assume a new position. She had been slightly tilted to one side due to all the short muscles in her body that were shortened because of her curve and those are very slowly stretching out and she is slowing looking a bit straighter each day.
She was able to take a bath of sorts today and this helps to feel so much better. Tomorrow I will wash her hair again. Also, I made her get up and go outside for a walk down to the "round about" and back this evening. I think this did her a world of good. Tomorrow she will walk there again in the morning with her dad while I take the other kiddos to church. (The treck to Vancouver and back is still a bit much for her.)
Thank you so much to everyone who has visited Emma, brought her some goodies, brought our family a meal while I was with Emma in hospital, or since we've been home (I've been so tired so this has been a blessing to me. ), sent encouraging words, prayed, and cared for our family. We have been blessed.

1 comment:

Kristi-Anna said...

So glad to hear that she's recovering and that some of the issues are resolved :) Did the hospital send you home with diapers for hair washing?! ;) LOL!