Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Emma - Those beautiful Lips

Isaiah 44:24

Thus says the Lord, your redeemer; And He who formed you from the womb: "I am the Lord, who makes all things, who stretches out the heavens all alone. Who spreads abroad the earth by myself."

Keith's mom (Emma's Nana) Gloria has chosen a special verse for each of her grandchildren when they were born. This was Emma's verse. An accident? Concidence? I don't think so. The Lord knew exactly how Emma was made and gave this verse to Gloria for her.

I have a distinct memory of each of my children when they were born. Each as beautiful as the other and they are ingrained upon my heart forever. When I first laid eyes upon Emma I was struck by her beauty. She had the biggest brown eyes and the most full red lips I had ever seen and she still does. It turns out that her beauty was not only on the outside but more importantly on the inside. I remember thinking when she was still a baby how much joy she had brought to our home and that is still true today.

Emma has always been an easy complient child. (with the exception of a few times where we had to dig in our heels and cross her will-I said conplient, not perfect) She is competative and smart, always trying to keep up (usually successfully) to her big brother and best friend Isaiah. She is a very helpful and loving person and takes great care of her siblings and friends and doesn't fail to notice if mom and dad need a break too. It is a joy to parent her. She is a great piano player, loves horses, soccer, swimming, reading and doing all things that 10 year old girls do. A well rounded kid.

I write all of this info about Emma because this blog in primarily about her spine and up coming surgery and I want to always remember that she is more than her crooked spine and neck! She is all that I have described and so much more. Her spine abnormalities are not who she is though I have no doubt that they will be used by God to make her into the woman that He has designed her to be.

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